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Showing posts from April, 2018


A happy man lives blissfully. Although he is stupendously rich, his happiness is not at all related to his abundant wealth and assets. It is due to his four children, namely: justice, truth, tolerance and objectivity. His own name is peace. Every one admires a worthy and enviable life of peace but only few knows the secret. Alas! There is no big or bigger secret behind it. The secret is just one. But peace has kept it with himself. He fears not doing so can jeopardize his secured and healthy life. He does not even tell the four children themselves. He fears lest greed tempts them to betray him. What is this guarded secret? The four siblings must live together inseparably and harmoniously. At anytime one is missing the company of the others, peace feels threatened and weakened. The signs of that loss of appetite and vigor appear on him until the union of the siblings is restored. In case of long perpetual delay while anticipating such reunion, peace would become completely frustrate


We live in a world of great ironies and paradoxes. One of such is the concomitant desperacy of men to add more wives to the first and the desperacy of women to resist having any one as co-wives under their men. It is interesting to know that both genders are acting on their natural instincts and emotions. God created these irresistible urges in them. It would therefore be unfair and thoughtless to blame them or refuse to accept their dispositions towards these behavours. Man loves sex. He also loves food. No one is loved by him than the one who readily offers him both. Man is ordinarily solid in nature. He is liquefied at the instant of food and sex. His solidity is put to test when denied both or either of these needs. Much like he does not like to taste one meal all the time, he dislikes having the same women beside him repeatedly for many years (He may only pretend not to because he has some incapabilities). Therefore, he desperately wants to have the experience of how it tast