Is collection of PVC or voting haram? No and capital No. Bismillah wa alhamdullilah wa salatu wassalaam alaa rosuulillah. 1. Appointment of a leader is compulsory in any group of people. No religion or system lays more emphasy on it as does by Islam. Islam seeks a leader even in a team of three. The messenger of Allah has said: when three embark on a journey, let them make one of them the leader (sahih) 2. Appointment of a leader is from muamalat. Muamalat are generally permissible and can be done in any manner except there is prohibition. Hence, choosing leadership can be by voting, selection, appointment, monarchism etc. Can anyone categorically give a specific approach approved by Islam to choose leaders? That is opened for people concerned to decide. The manner Abubakr emerged a kalifah was different from that of Umar. That of Umar was unique from that of Uthmaan. Leaders are chosen according to the method as collectively agreed to by the people in a given society...
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