If you are a worker, you get reward for the services rendered. As a motor driver, you get paid for offering your vehicle, leaving your families and using your time and experience to convey strangers to a far destination. You do not mind the risk of a long journey to a place where you have no personal business except to bring others to the venue of their own business. But if you have done this for yourselves or your family members, do you expect reward from any one? To whom have you rendered this sacrifice? As a teacher, you get paid because you develop human capacity in others for the good of the society. The society pays you. You are a worker serving the society, a civil servant. But if you are teaching your own children or learning for yourself, who pays you? Hopefully, you expect no salary from anyone. So, in essence, workers are two type: personal or community (societal). As a personal worker, your effort is self directed. If you expect reward from others, be a com...
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