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Showing posts from September, 2020


Bismillah was'salaatu Was'salaamu alaa rosuulillah. Islam has placed the Muslims in a unique status as the most civilized humans ever raised for mankind. However, disingenuous society has impregnated the pristine islamic traditions and ideologies. That unwholesome fusion has given birth to a contemporary age of confused Muslims. The rest of the world is helpless because the saviour has been rendered unsafe. The society is out of trace because the Muslims have been led too far into the wilderness.  End Time Muslims The goal in the emerging world is to technically refine the social conducts and view points of the Muslims. With this scientific 'polish-to-police' scheme, the Muslim majority have become apologetic to their faith. A number of us are nominal adherents.  Just introducing oneself as simply a Muslim is no longer adequate until the prefix 'moderate' is added. A moderate Muslim to describe anyone within the fold of pristine Islam is uncessary and ill-sugges

PhD WITH FULL VEIL IN NIGERIA: Tribute to Prof. Odinko

Four days ago, I got an update from facebook to check a new post from Alhaji Sulaiman Oyaremi as usual. I saw a picture of a woman fully covered in hijab including hand glove and face cover being congratulated for her PhD degree. At that time it never occurred to me as something extraordinary. I never knew PhD in Niqob is  unprecedented not even in any of our Muslim established Universities. It was after many more posts started emerging from various sections of the social media that I realised the history that Dr Mrs Kafilat Motunrayo Oyaremi has made. She has done the never-heard in UI and in the entire Universities in the South West. There are yet to confirm insinuations that she is probably the first in the entire 170 Universities in Nigeria. Yes! Umu Abdullahi deserves all our praises and eulogies as a Ummah. She is our heroine and a celebrity. The mother of five has given us more ground to boast and more chances to proof that hijab does not and cannot hinder success of a Muslim la