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Showing posts from May, 2018


To my humble knowledge, practitioners in every reknown profession in Nigeria, the foremost being Nigerian Sociey of Engineers (NSE), Institute of Chartered Accountant of Nigeria (ICAN), Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) and Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) have  'sacred' principles of operation or Codes of Conduct which may be termed as The Rules of Engagement but generally called PROFESSIONAL ETHICS. The components of these ethics circumference around equity and justice, people's welfare and public safety, love and care, expertise and diligence, service and selflessness etc of all positive values. Bribery and theft, dishonesty and injustice, wickedness and selfishness etc of all negative values are found no where in the script lines of the ETHICS. For example, the following are summarized Engineering Ethics: 1.Hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public 2. Perform services only in areas of their competence 3. Issue public statements only in objectiv


Have you read this trending story? I grew to hear about the sale of the blacks by the whites. That was long before I was born. It was a wickedness of a race that profiled itself as being special creatures of God and superior humans to other humans. As civilization grows and every other nation is declaring sovereignty and independence, the traditional slave trade are no longer popular. Besides the technical modern slavery of the moment in the name of visa lottery and other similar bait windows offered to Africans by the developed nations of the whites (which is resulting into brain drain back in the African homeland), the typical trade of humans as slaves have become literary recipes for the enrichment of our historical property. At least reading such episodes, we appreciate our metamorphosis economically, politically and socially as Africans. But sadly, I woke up few days ago to hear the story emerging from Libya in the recent weeks. The sale of Africans by Africans to Africans as


An article published in a Magazine  THE ENEMY WE OVERLOOK It predominated the age before Islam. That was over fourteen centuries ago. The old Meccans tolerated the most dangerous enemy. They nursed and celebrated him with pride. Before they knew, it darkened their city; clouded their minds and blinded their senses. They were persuaded into fighting themselves to death over frivolous matters. They justified beheading their fellow tribesmen from another family over arguments on trivial encounters. They cherished bowing for idols which they molded with their own hands using woods, clay or farm produce. They stored, drank and got intoxicated with alcohols. They consumed dead animals and blood. They feasted and entertained themselves with the concert and dancing steps of naked women. They felt humiliated giving birth to a female gender. The enemy made them see keeping a woman a sign of cowardice. Killing or buying her alive was then a show of bravery and masculinity! Then, Islam came


This is a first-prize winning article (Crystal Muslim Organization 12th Annual Essay Competition 2018) Introduction Africans are unique from the rest of the world in terms of values of family, hospitality, parenting and communal lives. This trait is not unconnected with the influence of Islam on African cultures. However, the remarkable impacts of the foremost Muslim settlers in the continent were often reported with defects of bias or outright falsehood. Till date, the emerging generations in the world, especially the Muslim youths are still covered in the smokes of this obscurantism. They were enveloped under the spell of confusion of: Islam is an Arabic culture! Allah is an Arabic god!! Islam was spread in Africa by swords dripping with blood!!! These are the popular rhetoric of many centuries. Consequently, a great deal of literary efforts would be required for the needed operation of reawakening their consciousness. The Muslim world may be crying for the moon while beckoning