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Showing posts from October, 2018


As we gradually launch into an election season and the push-pull of campaign is throttling into a top gear among politicians-political aspirants and their supporters, it is critical to observe Nigerian electorates falling into major classes. These classes are not just created in this dispensation. They have always been present in a democratic Nigeria in the past.  However, they have become better grown, nursed and well pronounced in this period because the factors that originally gave birth them have also been amplified over the 16 years of demonstration of craziness in leadership and governance. Through these years, aspirations have been weakened, trusts have been abused, promises have been failed and several hopes have been dashed. Through these years, our common psyches have been badly damaged. We are in the interesting time that we prefer and hail ‘wealth with corruption’ than ‘hunger with integrity’. Nigerians are no longer the people who rejoice when ‘the righteous lead’ as...


A scenario cast long time ago in some Jewish old stories. Most are not verifiable. They call them israiliyyaat (imports of the people of Israel). A larger percentage of these tales were about Musa, the Prophet among the Jews. Here is one from that ancient archives. Musa was a friend of God. He had a special grace to commune with the Omnipotent. It was a direct unprecedented transmission from the heaven to the earth. Because no mortals ever had such a privilege with the sublime and immortal God, he was called kalaamullah, the word of God. Musa was indeed a beloved of God. This Creator-Creature communication link had been on, cordial and regular before one day when God shocked Musa. He was informed that one particular friend of his only had seven days left to live. ‘He shall die by the dawn of the next seventh day’, God confided in Musa. Meanwhile, there was no one on earth at the time more beloved to Musa than this same man. No day passed without seeing each other. He either came ...

Our eBook: Letters to My Dear Daughter

Our eBook is Out: Grab your copy Now!!!! It is a society where grown female children stay far away from parents especially in pursuit of academics. Most parents during these periods wish they could establish hear-heart communication with their daughters on regular basis. Many are even too busy to communicate their wishes as much they desire to their daughters. Some others have Islamic knowledge scarcely enough to do so. Consequently, the most priceless, and fragile of human creatures, women, are left in the hands of the misguided peers and society. Giving a handy compilation of pleasant thoughts, as proxy for parents, which can readily be available as compass for such daughters as they alive away from home is quite apt. Such beautiful documents become a daily companion to these young ladies. It keeps them on the noble track and seat-belts them from derailing. It continually reminds them about the ideology of their parents, their desires and aspiration for them which is no wa...