As we gradually launch into an election season and the push-pull of campaign is throttling into a top gear among politicians-political aspirants and their supporters, it is critical to observe Nigerian electorates falling into major classes. These classes are not just created in this dispensation. They have always been present in a democratic Nigeria in the past. However, they have become better grown, nursed and well pronounced in this period because the factors that originally gave birth them have also been amplified over the 16 years of demonstration of craziness in leadership and governance. Through these years, aspirations have been weakened, trusts have been abused, promises have been failed and several hopes have been dashed. Through these years, our common psyches have been badly damaged. We are in the interesting time that we prefer and hail ‘wealth with corruption’ than ‘hunger with integrity’. Nigerians are no longer the people who rejoice when ‘the righteous lead’ as...
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