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A scenario cast long time ago in some Jewish old stories. Most are not verifiable. They call them israiliyyaat (imports of the people of Israel). A larger percentage of these tales were about Musa, the Prophet among the Jews. Here is one from that ancient archives.

Musa was a friend of God. He had a special grace to commune with the Omnipotent. It was a direct unprecedented transmission from the heaven to the earth. Because no mortals ever had such a privilege with the sublime and immortal God, he was called kalaamullah, the word of God. Musa was indeed a beloved of God.

This Creator-Creature communication link had been on, cordial and regular before one day when God shocked Musa. He was informed that one particular friend of his only had seven days left to live. ‘He shall die by the dawn of the next seventh day’, God confided in Musa.

Meanwhile, there was no one on earth at the time more beloved to Musa than this same man. No day passed without seeing each other. He either came to Musa in his hermitage or Musa went to meet him. They would talk, laugh and relate like any other two who were fond of each other.

From the day of the sad news, Musa lost all his funs and pleasure. He was no longer happy and full of live as he used to be. He could not go out to see his friend again. He was in no mood for it.

He retreated indoor. Life was completely meaningless and tasteless. His friend came to visit to him and noticed the sadness. Musa no longer responded to the usual jokes as he used to. ‘This is not my same friend. Something must be bothering him’, the man thought to himself. He asked Musa, ‘My friend, what is amiss? You appeared sad and troubled. Please tell me’, he pleaded.

Upon all the entreaties, Musa refused to speak. Then, the man also became terribly sad. His reason was no more than the sadness of his bosom friend! He took it upon himself to visit Musa every day. He felt it was the most critical time to keep his company and share his sorrow.

Before and after his visit, he dedicated his time to praying unto God. He would weep lifting his open hands to heavens supplicating God to remove whatever was responsible for the pain in Musa’s heart.

As each day passed by, Musa was counting down. He became sadder whenever he saw his friend coming to visit and console him. He would muffle to himself, ‘This my good friend, would die in few days’.

Finally came the seventh day. Just by the dawn, Musa was anticipating the much awaited sad news of the demise of his only friend. He was weeping profusely.

He would once in a while lift up his gaze to the path ahead in the direction of his friend’s house. He was anticipating the arrival of the servant of plight. It was almost daybreak. There was no ripple. To his surprise, just at the usual time of his visit, he saw his friend approaching from the horizon.

Then, he quickly asked God: ‘O Lord! Today is the seventh day. It is far past the dawn and I can see my friend coming alive. What happened? I know you do not forget or make mistake. Your promise is ever true’.

God smiled and replied: ‘You are indeed the cause. You were morose by our verdict. Your friend saw your sadness and became sad. He was devoted unto us praying for your happiness day and night.

Indeed, we listen to the invocation of any sad one, the two beloved ones and the one who prays for others in their absence. How do we answer your friend who combine all these except by reversing our verdict over him? By our decree, he shall live for many more years.

Besides, we must accept his prayer to see you happy. Surely, we seek comfort for our beloved ones’, God responded.

Immediately, Musa became cheerful again as before. All his sorrow disappeared as if they were never there. His friend arrived and noticed this immediately. They both embraced each other.

Musa broke the ice on the grace of a longer lifespan. He became happier seeing the face of his friend glowing with joy.

Are You Ever Sad Over His Pain?
Do You Really Care For His Joy And Well Being?
When Last Do You Pray For Him?
Are You Truly A Good Friend?

Be committed to true friendship. Help yourselves by helping others. Be sad for others to be happy. Share their pains to remove your worry. That is what the true friends mean.


Polygamy is an advantage for Innocent Women


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To my humble knowledge, practitioners in every reknown profession in Nigeria, the foremost being Nigerian Sociey of Engineers (NSE), Institute of Chartered Accountant of Nigeria (ICAN), Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) and Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) have  'sacred' principles of operation or Codes of Conduct which may be termed as The Rules of Engagement but generally called PROFESSIONAL ETHICS. The components of these ethics circumference around equity and justice, people's welfare and public safety, love and care, expertise and diligence, service and selflessness etc of all positive values. Bribery and theft, dishonesty and injustice, wickedness and selfishness etc of all negative values are found no where in the script lines of the ETHICS. For example, the following are summarized Engineering Ethics: 1.Hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public 2. Perform services only in areas of their competence 3. Issue public statements only in objectiv