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Friend! When you read the above, what comes to your mind? An instruction for someone out there?

May be you think from a boss to a gateman or night guard of a company, school or facility who has been neglectful of his duty lately.

Oh! May be you think it's from a man to a woman who has been reckless as a housewife.

No! It's for you. I mean you staring at this text. You wonder?! I wonder you do. Okay, let's get into it.

Do you read this piece on whatsapp, Facebook or any other social media? Yes! Don't worry, I've just answered for you. I am pretty sure about it.

Then, you are the pretty housekeeper. Take your seat please!

The social media platforms are all-in-one gigantic edifice with countless number of doors. Uncountable rooms.

A single room in that building has multiple doors to itself. Some for entry; others for exit of information.

The rooms are private suit to each person. No physical interaction. It's a virtual space where only information flows across the rooms through the doors.

The entry and exit doors aren't for human's body passage. Any one can peep into someone else's room but can't possibly get in. They're for cross-transmission of videos, voices, texts and every other kind of messages; true or false, raw or refined, old or new, fake or genuine, as received or self made etc.

Only these information shared with anyone can be seen by either parties at the slight peep into people's room through the entry door. The entry doors for in-coming info can't be shut. It's 24/7 open. Communication in-flow or access through it is automatic. You only need to be alive online.

However, every single one occupying each room has the sole liberty to close the exit door. Each one is a gatekeeper. You're one just as I am.

You're occupying one of these virtual rooms. There you are right now, reading this. You live in that space for a significant number of your hours daily. Pls! Guard your exit door.

Do not open, until it's necessary and when it means well for people, place and perception.

This message is originally composed in my own little room on WhatsApp. I opened few of my doors to let it out. Tens and hundreds of several other doors have been opened elsewhere until it gets to you. These are other housekeepers unknown to me. They've kept opening their doors for this message to spread to people and places unknown to me. They gave my aim, purpose and sentiment a wing to fly through their doors at no price. Did I just say at no price? No! That is a slip of tongue.

There's indeed a price. There's cost, profit or loss, for what you copy, post and share. You realise this, if you're thoughtful type.

The price at first is the joy they derive in my message. They love it and agree it should circulate. They're simply saying that they would've composed the same thoughts. They just didn't have time and someone has just done the job for them. The price to take responsibility for my posts.

The originator has no less praise or blame than those who open further doors for it to spread like a wind. When housekeepers are disciplined, only worthy posts fly.

My post has now become their post because they open their door for it. They consent that it's nice that it reaches their own adjacent rooms in the virtual world. They risk carrying my burden or have the prospects to share my glory.

Isn't therefore good to be wise? You're in the control of the buttons in your room. Too many destructions are ravaging our world because the housekeepers are reckless, careless and sometimes, senseless, mindless and thoughtless.

Yes, it may be hard if ever possible to close the door of reception. The best you can and should do is to cautiously discourage those in the next doors to be reasonable and decent in their post.

Warn them, if persistent, that you would not accept abuses, hates, rumours and lies. If too stubborn to be well mannered, block them permanently.

You're the housekeeper. You're on guard. You're the boss in charge. You own the device. You subscribed to the virtual world. You're responsible. For how long can we allow fools and indecent few to sink our society?

If the many giants in the upper deck of a ship allow the few weak fools to create a hole at the lower deck to get water, they all become a daily bread for the aquatic lives. That wise analogy is from the blessed sayings of prophet Muhammad (peace and blessibgs be upon him).

Certainly, you can kill and bury a message in your room and shut the door of transmission, sharing and reposting if the message is unkind, unhealthy and unfair. Stand out in your group on social media as critics of such posts. As for the good post that can benefit our humanity on jobs, threats, solutions, facts, knowledge and harmony, be the first to open the door. You are the house guard, the gatekeeper.

Let peace and good tidings reach us through your rooms. Save us from all the fakes, fears and fouls. If they cannot confirm it, do not copy it. If you cannot screen it, refuse to share it.

Friend! Do know when to condemn and commend posts. Both have critical roles to instill decency on the social media.

If man doesn't ask, God Almighty will indeed ask. Please be the society police! It's a reason you live.


Polygamy is an advantage for Innocent Women


There was a statement that if you want to hide anything for the contemporary Muslims, put it in a book. I cannot agree less. Ours is a generation who chooses comfort and pastimes above reading. Despite the plethora of information online and offline in our time, we are in no way chips from the old blocks compared with the early Muslims. They led as models because they were readers and thinkers. They thought for others and were never thought for. They were trailblazers and not dolls. Unlike us, they were not led along the way like a dog behind its owner. They were disciplined, ascetic and principled. As for us, we are being technically enslaved because we still hold on to ignorance when it is no longer popular among the living. In a digital age, a Muslim proudly announces his birthday without ever caring to find out about its origin. He floods the social media with the pictures of his kid, wife or parent who is a year older! It never occurs to him to explore the same internet to read

PhD WITH FULL VEIL IN NIGERIA: Tribute to Prof. Odinko

Four days ago, I got an update from facebook to check a new post from Alhaji Sulaiman Oyaremi as usual. I saw a picture of a woman fully covered in hijab including hand glove and face cover being congratulated for her PhD degree. At that time it never occurred to me as something extraordinary. I never knew PhD in Niqob is  unprecedented not even in any of our Muslim established Universities. It was after many more posts started emerging from various sections of the social media that I realised the history that Dr Mrs Kafilat Motunrayo Oyaremi has made. She has done the never-heard in UI and in the entire Universities in the South West. There are yet to confirm insinuations that she is probably the first in the entire 170 Universities in Nigeria. Yes! Umu Abdullahi deserves all our praises and eulogies as a Ummah. She is our heroine and a celebrity. The mother of five has given us more ground to boast and more chances to proof that hijab does not and cannot hinder success of a Muslim la


To my humble knowledge, practitioners in every reknown profession in Nigeria, the foremost being Nigerian Sociey of Engineers (NSE), Institute of Chartered Accountant of Nigeria (ICAN), Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) and Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) have  'sacred' principles of operation or Codes of Conduct which may be termed as The Rules of Engagement but generally called PROFESSIONAL ETHICS. The components of these ethics circumference around equity and justice, people's welfare and public safety, love and care, expertise and diligence, service and selflessness etc of all positive values. Bribery and theft, dishonesty and injustice, wickedness and selfishness etc of all negative values are found no where in the script lines of the ETHICS. For example, the following are summarized Engineering Ethics: 1.Hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public 2. Perform services only in areas of their competence 3. Issue public statements only in objectiv