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  In the middle of this year 2018, precisely June 23, I got four chickens in two batches, two in each set. My close friend in the neighbourhood brought them all at a gift price. The two in each set were the same in age and size but the first batch were smaller and younger than those in the second. The second set were quite bigger and matured. Although the smaller ones had already grown wings but were yet to be fully matured. Both were alike in their sizes and the brown colours. It was also impossible to distinguish their genders at that age. The only distinguishing feature was that the leg of one was lighter and the other dark. They were all kept in a cage having an upper and lower decks of one compartment each. The older paired together in the upper deck and the younger ones housed beneath. It was my first experience rearing such creatures as personal pets. I watched them as they grew and keenly took lessons daily from their amazing lives. Domestic animals are wonderful.


As we gradually launch into an election season and the push-pull of campaign is throttling into a top gear among politicians-political aspirants and their supporters, it is critical to observe Nigerian electorates falling into major classes. These classes are not just created in this dispensation. They have always been present in a democratic Nigeria in the past.  However, they have become better grown, nursed and well pronounced in this period because the factors that originally gave birth them have also been amplified over the 16 years of demonstration of craziness in leadership and governance. Through these years, aspirations have been weakened, trusts have been abused, promises have been failed and several hopes have been dashed. Through these years, our common psyches have been badly damaged. We are in the interesting time that we prefer and hail ‘wealth with corruption’ than ‘hunger with integrity’. Nigerians are no longer the people who rejoice when ‘the righteous lead’ as it


A scenario cast long time ago in some Jewish old stories. Most are not verifiable. They call them israiliyyaat (imports of the people of Israel). A larger percentage of these tales were about Musa, the Prophet among the Jews. Here is one from that ancient archives. Musa was a friend of God. He had a special grace to commune with the Omnipotent. It was a direct unprecedented transmission from the heaven to the earth. Because no mortals ever had such a privilege with the sublime and immortal God, he was called kalaamullah, the word of God. Musa was indeed a beloved of God. This Creator-Creature communication link had been on, cordial and regular before one day when God shocked Musa. He was informed that one particular friend of his only had seven days left to live. ‘He shall die by the dawn of the next seventh day’, God confided in Musa. Meanwhile, there was no one on earth at the time more beloved to Musa than this same man. No day passed without seeing each other. He either came

Our eBook: Letters to My Dear Daughter

Our eBook is Out: Grab your copy Now!!!! It is a society where grown female children stay far away from parents especially in pursuit of academics. Most parents during these periods wish they could establish hear-heart communication with their daughters on regular basis. Many are even too busy to communicate their wishes as much they desire to their daughters. Some others have Islamic knowledge scarcely enough to do so. Consequently, the most priceless, and fragile of human creatures, women, are left in the hands of the misguided peers and society. Giving a handy compilation of pleasant thoughts, as proxy for parents, which can readily be available as compass for such daughters as they alive away from home is quite apt. Such beautiful documents become a daily companion to these young ladies. It keeps them on the noble track and seat-belts them from derailing. It continually reminds them about the ideology of their parents, their desires and aspiration for them which is no wa


 Is collection of PVC or voting haram? No and capital No. Bismillah wa alhamdullilah wa salatu wassalaam alaa rosuulillah.  1. Appointment of a leader is compulsory in any group of people. No religion or system lays more emphasy on it as does by Islam. Islam seeks a leader even in a team of three. The messenger of Allah has said: when three embark on a journey, let them make one of them the leader (sahih) 2. Appointment of a leader is from muamalat. Muamalat are generally permissible and can be done in any manner except there is prohibition. Hence, choosing leadership can be by voting, selection, appointment, monarchism etc. Can anyone categorically give a specific approach approved by Islam to choose leaders? That is opened for people concerned to decide. The manner Abubakr emerged a kalifah was different from that of Umar. That of Umar was unique from that of Uthmaan. Leaders are chosen according to the method as collectively agreed to by the people in a given society. Leaders


To my humble knowledge, practitioners in every reknown profession in Nigeria, the foremost being Nigerian Sociey of Engineers (NSE), Institute of Chartered Accountant of Nigeria (ICAN), Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) and Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) have  'sacred' principles of operation or Codes of Conduct which may be termed as The Rules of Engagement but generally called PROFESSIONAL ETHICS. The components of these ethics circumference around equity and justice, people's welfare and public safety, love and care, expertise and diligence, service and selflessness etc of all positive values. Bribery and theft, dishonesty and injustice, wickedness and selfishness etc of all negative values are found no where in the script lines of the ETHICS. For example, the following are summarized Engineering Ethics: 1.Hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public 2. Perform services only in areas of their competence 3. Issue public statements only in objectiv


Have you read this trending story? I grew to hear about the sale of the blacks by the whites. That was long before I was born. It was a wickedness of a race that profiled itself as being special creatures of God and superior humans to other humans. As civilization grows and every other nation is declaring sovereignty and independence, the traditional slave trade are no longer popular. Besides the technical modern slavery of the moment in the name of visa lottery and other similar bait windows offered to Africans by the developed nations of the whites (which is resulting into brain drain back in the African homeland), the typical trade of humans as slaves have become literary recipes for the enrichment of our historical property. At least reading such episodes, we appreciate our metamorphosis economically, politically and socially as Africans. But sadly, I woke up few days ago to hear the story emerging from Libya in the recent weeks. The sale of Africans by Africans to Africans as


An article published in a Magazine  THE ENEMY WE OVERLOOK It predominated the age before Islam. That was over fourteen centuries ago. The old Meccans tolerated the most dangerous enemy. They nursed and celebrated him with pride. Before they knew, it darkened their city; clouded their minds and blinded their senses. They were persuaded into fighting themselves to death over frivolous matters. They justified beheading their fellow tribesmen from another family over arguments on trivial encounters. They cherished bowing for idols which they molded with their own hands using woods, clay or farm produce. They stored, drank and got intoxicated with alcohols. They consumed dead animals and blood. They feasted and entertained themselves with the concert and dancing steps of naked women. They felt humiliated giving birth to a female gender. The enemy made them see keeping a woman a sign of cowardice. Killing or buying her alive was then a show of bravery and masculinity! Then, Islam came


This is a first-prize winning article (Crystal Muslim Organization 12th Annual Essay Competition 2018) Introduction Africans are unique from the rest of the world in terms of values of family, hospitality, parenting and communal lives. This trait is not unconnected with the influence of Islam on African cultures. However, the remarkable impacts of the foremost Muslim settlers in the continent were often reported with defects of bias or outright falsehood. Till date, the emerging generations in the world, especially the Muslim youths are still covered in the smokes of this obscurantism. They were enveloped under the spell of confusion of: Islam is an Arabic culture! Allah is an Arabic god!! Islam was spread in Africa by swords dripping with blood!!! These are the popular rhetoric of many centuries. Consequently, a great deal of literary efforts would be required for the needed operation of reawakening their consciousness. The Muslim world may be crying for the moon while beckoning


A happy man lives blissfully. Although he is stupendously rich, his happiness is not at all related to his abundant wealth and assets. It is due to his four children, namely: justice, truth, tolerance and objectivity. His own name is peace. Every one admires a worthy and enviable life of peace but only few knows the secret. Alas! There is no big or bigger secret behind it. The secret is just one. But peace has kept it with himself. He fears not doing so can jeopardize his secured and healthy life. He does not even tell the four children themselves. He fears lest greed tempts them to betray him. What is this guarded secret? The four siblings must live together inseparably and harmoniously. At anytime one is missing the company of the others, peace feels threatened and weakened. The signs of that loss of appetite and vigor appear on him until the union of the siblings is restored. In case of long perpetual delay while anticipating such reunion, peace would become completely frustrate