have wilfully chosen the topic in the native language of my primary audience.
Whoever can understand the topic without aid should pay a
special attention. I need your two hears and the conscious mind. There are
still very many things that cultures and Islamic religion agree upon but
anglo-christian modernity still finds very conservative and barbaric. One of such
things is polygamy and that conservativeness is most prominent among the
The Yorubas are perhaps the
most reverted natives from their Islamic background into neo-colonialist philosophies and value systems of the Christians.
History favours the Yoruba as predominantly Muslims, first and foremost. Alubarika
(blessings), Adua (prayers), suna (naming ceremony), sakaani (territory) etc
are daily used as Yoruba dictions but are originally from Arabic words. Most,
if not all indigenous traditional kings in Yoruba lands
have central mosques built within or near their palaces.
Yorubas are traditionally polygamous but this marriage style is
being condemned with the rising influence of the modern
Christian civilization. Men have to swear to an
oath in a registry never ever to marry again. Some take it too far. They
consider it an outright taboo. No situation can warrant a second marriage. A widow or widower, no matter his/her youthfulness, must permanently resume into his/her former life as a single
or say, bachelorhood or spinsterhood! What is more to argue the
impracticability of such wild doctrines than its serial violations even among
its prime custodians?
any willing family man honourably confides in his family, friends or in-laws of
his ambition to take another wife, they remind him of the problems in
polygamous home. They scare him to the heaven. No one sees prospect in his
reasons for considering that option. How many every other man would have
preferred to take a concubine and engage in extra marital affair under
the deceptive pseudo-monogamous system? And how much of condemnations does the society lash at hundreds of men cheating on their wives?
have we not seen? Extra-marital affair has taken on the garb of a normalcy and
a way of life among us. The trust that your spouse can not
have an affair with strangers is no longer there. Then who is anyone deceiving
with wedding rings? Muslims should do away with an alien practice that has
repeatedly proven to be a scam. You vehemently condemn genuine intention for
polygamy. Your sentiments suggest that you prefer extra-marital affairs. Where
is your sense of fair judgement to several women (known or unknown to one
another) involved in these
machandise of shame? And if you
think men seeking an option of polygamy are not being fair to their wives, how
else do you think a wild creature of desires like men
can legitimately satisfy their sexual needs?
they have been fair to their wives if they have to do it sinfully as virtually one of them prefer to do? Which other ways can a married man fulfil his
sexual needs with another woman other than polygamy. To close
the door to polygamy is to open a door of adultery. No doubt, this exposes a sacred
institution of marriage to corruption and abuse as we have it.
We are in a society that prefers pretence than frankness. A generation that
prioritize lies, cheats and deception over sincerity, truth and reality. A society where every man may have to
result into DNA tests to proof the paternity of their biological children. It is
so bad. Dad versus househelps because madam do not want another woman; madams versus
drivers because dad is no longer interested because he is unhappy with madams.
The Muslims must decide and take the path of guidance prescribed by their Lord
or the path of licentiousness, corruption
and confusions that modernity is agitating for. E ye tan ra yin je.
It is a society where polygamy
is not seen as a remedy to the infidelity wrecking monogamous homes because men
cannot express their genuine intentions to relate with more women in a formal
and legitimate relationship. Polygamy is not seen as a
viable alternative to divorce for spouses troubled by some complex marital
problems such as infertility. Polygamy is not appreciated as a way to make in-laws with the less
privileged families to reduce poverty and spread wealth. It is not seen as a response to decongest the
society of the growing population of unmarried marriageable women. It is not
seen as a window for a woman once loved and cared for before she suddenly lost
her husband to be loved again.
than a problem, polygamy is a solution to unfaithfulness of men in matrimony.
It is a good arrestor for implosions of sexual abuse in the society. Islam
frowns at sex without marriage. It prescribes death for the married who are guilty of such acts. As a balance and objective scheme, it approves
polygamy as an option, not a rule or compulsion. Hence, there is no excuse to
go about and sexually abuse the mothers, wives, daughters and sisters of others
and in so doing, cheat on your wife, abuse the sanctity of
marriage and defile the moral fabric of the society. Islam, a religion from the Most Wise, also put the
limits at four women at a time blocking excesses and irresponsibilities.
is sad people are talking about rape and silent about sexual infidelity among
men and women already in marriage. This attitude happens to my chagrin
as if sex is no crime as long as there is mutual agreement between the ‘game players’. In Islam, every sex is a crime except by
marriage. Whether without consent (or in forceful mode known as rape) or done mutually, adultery and fornication constitute
the greatest threats to humanity. It is all zina. God Almighty call it ‘an evil
way’. Death for the married and hundred lashes of flogging to the unmarried are
the prescribed punishments. Were
these laws applicable without the strictest condition of witnesses placed by
islam, there would have been more married men and women buried under the earth than
those deserved to live on it.
the Yorubas, polygamy is seen
as war, violence, trouble and
ultimately death! If you also incline to such a thing as polygamy cannot be a
solution but a problem. So my question: Se o maa tan ara e je? The mystery of
ile olorogun has been woven into our psyches like suku hairstyle on the head of
a new bride. We have watched so many films acted by the agents of this lethal
ideology. If there is a problem with polygamous home, it is not the
institution. It is the parties involved. Marriage typically, even the default
setting of one-man-one-woman is not free of occasional domestic disputes and
disagreements. In several instances, monogamous homes have broken many more times than
polygamous homes. It is all functions of God consciousness, maturity,
resources, wisdom, fairness and morality of the role players.
However, there are some over-enthusiasts. All about their lives is to encourage a man to marry
another wife because they see him making fortunes. He must have enough means to
maintain multiple wives! They are
less bothered about the nature of the man and situation of his home. They have no consideration for his wisdom, patience and
capacity to manage fragile vessels like women. Women are good conspirators. That
conspiracy is amplified when they are in marital tussles of rivalry and jealousy.
There is usually a competition for attentions, cares and love of
the husbands among co-wives. In all these, a weak man can be confused if not consumed. No doubt, financial ability is critical to
manage polygamy but what qualifies a man for it goes beyond just that. It is an
advanced system. It is not a project to abuse a man because he is hesitating to
do so. You may not just be giving a wrong counsel, you may be sending a ballistic
missile to destroy his home. You have no idea of how his family runs. Why must
you choose to pressurize anyone to marry another woman? When does he become a compulsion? A desire to opt for polygamy is a choice to be
made personally. If a home is destroyed
by your pressure, would you be there to make amend? O je ma
tan ara e je. Joko jee.
men who make covenants with their lone wives that they would never attempt
polygamy. I can only wish that you get to your senses very fast or wake up from
your dream. You appear to be under the hallucination of modern poisons or you are too immature to be a husband. Facts and experience has shown
that many in your category have ended up being polygamous than those who are
actually indifferent about it but do not rule out the possibility in the
future. Time and event change. When that changes catch up with people like you
in marriage, you end up violating the childish promises you have made to your
wives. You may not be enthusiastic about marrying another wife. Polygamy is a choice and cannot be for everyone. Not even everyone is qualified for
it or would eventually be able to do it. What I do not know is why you have to
swear an oath that you will never marry a second wife. I trust women. Your wife
would never forget. She would eventually remind you and draw the dragon with you from that
point onward. Se o maa tan ara e
you who is happy that your husband is not talking about polygamy. You seem not
to care if he makes affairs with other women. All your concern is that you are
the only one he is formally wedded to. Pele oo, the ring bearer! Se o maa tan
ara e je bayii? Or you are the type your husband has been so caring and
faithful to that you never prepare for the day he would
present his proposal to add a wife. You never give
it a thought. You say it can
never happen! I laugh hysterically. You
think he has been a different man all the way. He does not flirt around and
would stick to only you till death. My father did that (may Allah forgive him)
but not all can do so. Polygamy or infidelity has been the only
two options but you do not want either. You are
getting older and complaining about regular intimacy. It is no longer sweet or
desirable. You do not even wish for more children. Your
husband is still agile, active and loving to procreate more. Se o maa tan ara e je bayii?
I would asked to you prefer your mind and hold your peace. Continue to be
dutiful as a good wife and leave the matters of the future to Allah who you
serve most diligently. Because you fail to prepare your mind, that moment would
come like a heavy shock. Then you will start to be violent to thwart his ambitions of another wife. An effort that I equate to floging a dead
horse if your husband is truly a man. You will start a dangerous career to destroy your own
home. You are taking a wrong counsel that would make you an outcast in a family
and matrimony you have nursed for years. You have been a pious and devoted
woman all your life in the marriage with a man you love whole-heartedly.
Because the same man is truthful and respect you to have declared his intention to marry
again, shaitan tells you he is
going to be a different man.
You begin to misbehave, disrespect
and disobey! Se o maa tan ara e je bayii?
You are the next woman another woman’s husband seek to marry.
Rather than respect her for nurturing and maintaining a man for such a long
period till you could be lucky to find him worthy a husband, you want to abuse a privilege. You should be appreciative. You
are expected to come with hands of friendship with the households and the
senior housewives. How much can you go without putting yourselves in her shoes
and recognise her sacrifice and tolerance? No woman loves their man shared with any
other. It is a natural instinct and you know it. Then you are vowing to rival, outshine and if possible displace her. Se
o maa tan ara e je? Whoever desires
to destroy a built home would find none to live.
to an absurdity of a man who threatens his wife at every instant of
disagreements that he would marry another wife, you are the types that make
polygamy never work. People like you are the reason why women place their men on curses. They wish that they never have
enough resources or enablement to actualize their dreams. You are the reason
they see polygamy as a battle and suffering rather than mutual collaboration, complements and supports. Your own version of polygamy is to abandon a wife for
another. You condemn your wives at any slight mistake and follow that
with a vow to bring another woman soonest. Have you an angel among the women
such that the one you are boasting heaven and earth about is faultless? Because
your lustful sights has fallen unto another woman outside, you
complain and find fault with the one with whom you started your first
experience in marriage. You want to retire her because she has children of only
one genders! What a ridiculous proposal? Men like you are not
qualified for polygamy. You cannot fulfill its conditions of equity and justice.
Polygamy is no meat for oppressors and irresponsible ones.
have suddenly forgotten the sacrifices she made for you. You are an ingrate. And ingrate cannot be just among multiple wives. Such recklessness is part of the reasons polygamy is condemned and seen as a barbaric culture. Under men of your kind, polygamous home is an abode of conflicts, war and unhealthy rivals because from the onset you
have created enmity between wives before they ever come together.
Your intentions are not sincere. You have married to terrorise or favour one
over the other. You make them misbehave and turn them rebels after being known as pious devoted women. Se o maa tan ara e je bayii?
Godly scheme of every woman to a husband cannot be jettisoned for deception of a man for every woman. Do not be the reasons
why there is so much negative noise about polygamy. Ma tan ra e je. You shall give accounts.
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