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Covid-19: Five Important Lessons the World Must Learn

Every event of life, good or bad, comes with its peculiar lessons. However, those lessons do not come readily to everyone except by critical reflections. The extent and depth of our reflections on life experiences do not only underscore how much benefits we drive from them. They also determine how much of the situations we convert to opportunities. The wise are the few classified group of people that make most of these reflections. Wisdom-a major loss of the majority, is that distinguished feature that makes the wise men far ahead and superior to people of knowledge.

No doubt, knowledge is the best gift God has endowed humanity. The first thing He created was the pen. What a simple object but a significant symbol of knowledge record and transmission. God readily teaches man what he never knows to benefit his living [1]. The door of knowledge in whatever field of human endeavours is open for whoever strives for it. By it, the course of humanity has been advanced. Our life has been less stressful to the point that we almost think there is nothing practically impossible for us to accomplish!

However, despite the merits of knowledge, it is inferior to wisdom. No doubt, knowledge is indeed a divine gift but unlike it, wisdom is not open to everyone and anybody by mere efforts. It is a unique and tremendous endowment given only to the specially chosen ones of God [2]. Those in the class of the wise possess knowledge like an average man in the first instance. However, they differ with others in the applications and morality because of their critical reflections. 

While the people of knowledge may be boastful by their attainment and accomplishment in technology, military, economy etc. as we have seen powerful nations doing today, the wise would be humble and modest. When the former tend to disregard God nearly thinking He does not exist, the latter would recognise His supremacy, benevolence and Grace. When the former thinks only of himself dominant and superior above the rest of humanity, the wise recognise the vanity of life and equality of mankind. These are the two categories of humans living in the world. The wise and the rest.

So, in this precarious situation of COVID-19, while the rest are just concern about the immediate solutions, the wise cast reflections on the possible lessons that the situation presents. They see the consequences of their past actions in the present and review those actions accordingly to save the future. To them, that is the approach to permanent solution. Their way is putting out the fire not the smoke. Vaccines against COVID-19 is a relief like putting out the smoke. Corruption of all nations is the fire. Attitudinal change of humanity is the solution. COVID-19 is a bad event that beckons to us all to wake up from our slumbers.

I.                    ONENESS OF HUMANITY

The strange illness first occurred in November 17, 2019 in Wuhan city in the Hubei province of  China [3]. It was officially reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) in China in December 31, 2019 and declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January 2020. In February 11, 2020, its name was publicly announced as corona virus infectious disease 2019 (COVID-19) [4].

At the wake of the virus outbreak, the whole world initially thought it was only a national problem that only China had to deal with. In a short while, it began in South Korea-another Asian country- in a massive hit making it appear like a threat to a continent. Many countries were indifferent in the usual lack of genuine empathy for bad situations in other nations. There were people making fun out of the life-threatening event. They never envisaged it would soon be at their doorsteps. As it began to spread beyond all boundaries, transcending all regions and continents, it is clear to us all that a crisis in any place on earth is a potentially capable of consuming the entire humanity. A cry of agony from the farthest corner of Asia can induce severe pains in the remotest part of Africa.

It is time for the world to realize that we are one humanity. A problem in one nation is potentially a global threat.  It is time humanity return to true brotherhood and reawaken the spirit of oneness. Economic and insecurity problem in less developed nations should bother the developed nations. Loans and bail out funds granted to poor continents ravaged by war, famine or insurgence should not be means to impoverish them. The powerful nations should not be united for the sole aim to disintegrate the weak ones or subjugate their growth to development.

Our weak should be able to lean on the shoulders of our strong. The rich should feed the poor. That is the essence of humanity. A life among the dead is only alive for a short while. A strong among the weak would die fighting. A filled among the hungry would be consumed. Nations should know hunger in Africa is a famine in Asia. A disease outbreak in China is a death to people in Italy. An agony in the east is a distress in the West. Every man on the planet earth should see another as a mirror or better a wall. Whatever thrown comes back to him.  Men must not necessarily be in competition living like lion and gazelle where one must outrun the other in order to live and if incapable, perish.

With love, we can all run the race for excellence holding our hands together and reach our destination at the same time. We can be happier when everyone is a victor and no one is a loser. Capitalist or communist ideologies are egocentric, inhuman and oppressive. What the world need is humanitarian ideology.

II.                  WEAKNESS OF HUMANITY

Humanity current lives in a time when nations threat one another with military hard and soft wares. Politics and tension around biological or chemical weapons of mass destruction are mounting. Borders and territories of our nations are marked by intrigues of alliances and enmities. Countries are striving to emerge as the world super-power or better put, a God-like nation by whose support others survive and by whose wrath they perish.

In the recent event between US-Iran in January 2020, there was a flagrant boast from Washington: ‘We have the most powerful and well equipped military anywhere in the world, by far!’[5]. This followed a response from Iran who had also threatened a ‘severe revenge’ [6]. Just around that time, a video clip appeared on the social media where China was also exhibiting her military prowess displaying his tanks and military warfare.

Today, with a tiny invisible creature like virus, not just Iran, china and the US are humbled. The whole world is rendered paralyzed and impotent. With all the medical technologies, military surveillance and advanced scientific knowledge, coronavirus has revealed the vanity of our pomposity. We have proven to be as God describes us: mere ignorant arrogant boasters [7].
With our level of breakthrough in scientific research, the world is yet to know little or nothing about the virus let alone find its cure. In spite of knowledge, humanity still needs to admit that he is still more ignorant than he knows. Humanity should be modest and humble. We should leave power boasting and claim of superiority. God hates pride. Humility of nations would save the humanity from humiliation like the one we currently face.


Coronavirus outbreak actually began just before the beginning of year 2020. It is typical of hundreds of preachers and prophets especially in the continent of the blacks to make predictions of what event would or would not happen in the new coming year. Their usual claim is having an encounter with God through dreams or visions. Many confidently declare that they actually have a conversation with God tete-a-tete!

Many of these self-acclimated prophets and religious leaders have claimed to possess miraculous power of divine authority by which they can cure leprosies, awake the dead, heal the physically challenged etc. How come the world is not asking why no single one of these miracle workers saw nothing about a world-wide phenomenon like COVID-19 in their end-of-the year 2019 crusade? How come they cannot cure the sick and banish the pandemic with their acclaimed miracles?

They were unable to predict the spread of the virus as it stands today.  Rather, like the rest of us, they bowed to the call to stay indoor instead of commanding the deliverance of humanity.
Every man must leave disingenuous path of blackmailing God. God dislike imposters, liars. To impersonate for men is enough a crime. The consequence of willful lie against God to deceive fellow humans is too grave to bear. COVID-19 may even be inconsequential. God says: who does a wrong more than who lies against God or lie about his signs. Indeed, the deceivers (criminals) would not prosper [8, 9]

When humanity should reject such people of deceit, they enjoy fame and large following. We worship, respect, defend and deify them despite the fake prophesies that have repeatedly turned lies in the past. The evil is allowed to perpetuate till it becomes an enterprise. They are stupendously enriched till they rank in the list of the richest men in the continent hosting the poorest of humanity. They influence the politics and politicians because of their large congregations. They have even become god to their followers.

With such collective conspiracy against God, humanity with its level of exposure has reduced itself to the level of lower animals. We appear not using the superior trait of intellect and logic. It is time for humanity to reject miracles and disbelief in ‘God-spoken’ predictions in the age of texts and science. Undue reverence to men of darkness as men of light in the name of religion is a great corruption. When corruption becomes a full blown business, the wrath of God is provoked.


God has clearly stated the purpose of our existence: I have not created humanity and the jinn except for my worship. I make no demand that you feed or provide for me’ [10]. Many men by this statement assume that God Almighty exists at the expense of our worship activities.  However, the deviant spread of COVID-19 has provided an awkward circumstance that invalidates that thought or belief.

The reality today is that most if not all religious houses in the world are under lock and key. Prominent countries for destination of worship across all major religions are in closed session. Saudi Arabia, Jerusalem and in fact, Italy, the place hosting the famous Vatican city for the Catholics world in Rome is most in dire need of the human spiritual and humanitarian support. The intensity of the corona virus in the region has been overwhelming. Our heart is with them. God grant them succor and stop the crises.

While the weekly Friday congregations for the Muslims have stopped all over the world and the Sunday services for the Christians have been suspended in all places on earth, has God stopped being one? Has the day ceased to appear? What of Sunlight, air, water etc. that He gives freely to us. Withholding all these would be worse calamities than the pandemic. God himself declares that drying-off our crops and making our water tasting bitter would be so devastating that humanity would put itself on curses [11].

Command to worship Him comes as an obligation and responsibility. Refusal to give Him His right does not stop Him from being a loving and merciful God for humanity. With all worshippers kept indoors in their houses and denied praying in a single place and voice, He still reigns with His Grace. He shall continue to fulfil His own obligation to us although He does not like that we forsake worship and devotion to Him. Those who are devoted to Him should be humble. Those who are mindless should be awakened.

V.                  TIME TO REPENT

The question the world has been asking is whether COVID-19 is from God or man. Some opinions have it that God could not have afflicted the whole humanity with a pandemic because He is the Most beneficent and Most Merciful. Coronavirus is evil and God does not do evil. The argument is valid. Other views say it is from God as a means of punishment for the gross iniquity of humanity-also a valid position.

The subject of good and evil in the context of man and God differs. God has superior understanding. He alone knows the good and evil in reality. The definition given to good or evil by man is not the absolute. Humans sometimes are unanimous on what is termed good like love, empathy, good family relation but differ at what is evil like homosexuality, alcohol consumption, transgender etc. Hence, the context of the Omniscience is the standard. He knows; man knows not [12].

With this background, everything God does is good. The manifestations of this good come in different ways. Some of these manifestations may appear evil or bad to man due to His limited knowledge. Man only appreciates the wisdom of God for missing a flight after the news of mishap reaches him. When a man, out of greed or jealous, plot or does an action with an evil intent, God has the sole authority and power to allow it happen or stop it from taking effect. ‘No one wills except God’ [13, 14]. If the thing is entirely of no good or benefit in His wisdom, God stops it out of His attribute and Grace. However, the man would face the severe consequences.  These consequences are what men see as evils. So, evils in actual sense, are feedbacks of human actions or inactions. Allah by His wills causes (initiates) good but He never initiate evil for His creatures [15].  

The consequences of human’s evil action comes back to him as a payback or feedback response to his evil action. This ‘good ‘appearing to man as evil comes from God for justice to the affected, drawing him closer, making him change for better and preserving the humanity from spread of such corruption[16]. This is the theological perspective by which everything (good and evil) is from God [17] is explained. In the context of God all is good. In the context of man, the good that happens to him is a willful action from God and the evil as a feedback of his own wrongdoings [18].

God is not an evil God who takes delight in willfully subjecting humanity to suffering and death. Man is the one disposed to godlessness and corruption due to greed, jealous and wickedness. There must be a chastisement from God as a means of checks and balances lest the culprits make humanity a hell for the righteous and the innocent.  He says: ‘corruption has appeared on land and sea because of the doings of humans in order for them to face the consequences of their actions if possibly they may return’ [19]. 

It is therefore imperative that some of us warn others of their evil actions. When consequences of evil comes, God spare the righteous if it is good for them. That was the fate of Noah among those who bowed for images; Lut among the homosexuals and Shuaib among those to whom he preached: ‘O people! Give full weight and measurement in justice (do not cheat in your dealings and transactions). Do not deprive people of their rights and do not commit abuse on the earth, spreading corruption’ [20]

Sometimes, however, He spares none if the righteous are indifferent to the mischief being perpetuated around them or the corruption has become so wide blown that sparing the righteous has no benefits for them. He warned humanity against such a universal and indiscriminate calamity [21].               In today’s world, who are the men who command justice and forbid evils? [22]. In today’s world, who are the able who stand in defense and protection of the weak and oppressed? [23]. In today’s world, who are the powers who defend mosques, churches, monasteries and synagogues against terrorism and extremism [16] without a disguised conspiracy against decent religious practices and text-proven ideologies?

So in the event of this global pandemic, humanity has a challenge to reconsider its action and ultimately resolve to live a worthier life. If it is a punishment from God as consequence of our excesses and iniquities, it is a sign of love of God for us. Even among ourselves, punishments to those who have failed in their responsibilities is a wake-up call to do things right.

Every country needs to repent sincerely. No exemptions. Every known transgression in the history of the destroyed nations in the religious texts have been perpetuated by our contemporary world. There are conspiracy theories everywhere. Terrorism and insurgencies have become political tools to undermine nations and their people. There are millions of people killed in unjust territorial feuds between nations. Blood of many innocents flow in oppressive religious attacks across the globe like the recent China’s brutality against Uighur Muslims [24]. A war against religion and the religious scriptures is not good for our humanity. It implies a direct combat with God. Humanity should respect what is regarded sacred and holy.  This is the gap between knowledge and wisdom.

Boko Haram had killed scores of Christians and Muslims in Nigeria. Some in undercover within this same humanity give them support to constitute regional threats to the peaceful existence of fellow humans. The thousands of men and women have become sacrificial lamps in the matrix of international politics. The oppressed can only invite God against these internal and external manipulations.

While these happen, the whole world look elsewhere. There is no genuine intervention. Humanity lives on double-standard. The powerful speak with the two sides of their mouth. All is about gold and coins. Some nations must be a war zone while others make money by trading in ammunitions. The world continues to play politics and business with lives of fellow men. All these have left scores of curses on humanity.

Corruption of political leaders and economic sanctions imposed on nations have sent millions to their graves. Tears of orphans and widows have become a burden on our collective existence. God surely sees all and hears all. He listens to the cries and pains of the downtrodden, the abused, the displaced and the killed. It is demoralizing seeing loved ones dying in the midst of poverty, killings, crises and helplessness when the humanity could have saved them. COVID-19 is perhaps making us realize how it hurts. It silently and bloodlessly touching the untouchables. It is time to repent. We pray God accept our repentance.

VI.                Conclusion

Let no one think God has not shown mercy even with the threat of COVID-19. It is time to shun racism and show true brotherhood in humanity with sacrifice and unity of purpose. It is not the wish of God that all nations are one and the same in tribe [25] or belief [26] but they all came from the same parental lineage [27] and one humanity [28]. Let the surviving nations show brotherhood to those currently being afflicted. Let no people take an advantage of the suffering of fellow men at this moment to engage in inflations or hoarding the basic necessities. Doing that is making no sense out of this situation. I pray God give peace to the world. May He heal our humanity. Normal life shall be restored by His Grace.


[1]     The Holy Qur’an 96:5
[2]     Ibid 2:269
[7]     Holy Qur’an: 33: 72
[8]     Ibid 6:21
[9]     Ibid 10:17
[10]  Ibid 51:56
[11]  Ibid 56: 63-70
[12]  Ibid 2:216
[13]  Ibid 81:29
[14]  Ibid 76:30
[15]  Ibid 4:79
[16]  Ibid 22:40
[17]  Ibid 4:78
[18]  Ibid 42:30
[19]  Ibid 30:41
[20]  Ibid:11:12-94
[21]  Ibid 8:25
[22]  Ibid 3:104
[23]  Ibid 4:75
[25]  The Holy Qur’an 49:13
[26]  Ibid 11:99-100; 5:48; 11:118
[27] Ibid 4:1
[28] Ibid 2:213


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