I had prayed in a community with several masaajid. I didn't notice anything unusual with the shoes at the entry. People would simply pray and leave until I moved to a new and a completely different neighbourhood having just only one masjid. It is where I currently say my congregational prayers.
I noticed that someone while leaving the masjid would arrange the shoes at the entrance. He would also turn them over to face the direction opposite to the usual way people put off their shoes while entering. This makes it easier to put them on whenever they are done with their ibaadah and coming out to leave. This is mostly after fajr prayers when I usually stayed back longer than usual.
I cannot say whether this action of charity involved one person or different people. Today, I was determined to identify the 'secret man'. I know like me, the person(s) is not from those people who leave the masjid early after the fajr prayers.
So as each team was exiting the door, I would come out and check the shoes until it remained just five of us. At this point, I took the photo of the shoes. Then, this most suspected brother and friend closed his mus'af and exited. Alas! A minute after he left, I stood up and checked.
Behold! The shoes had grown feets and walked away from their places. They had also got intelligence to perfectly arrange themselves. Not just that, they had rotated in the other direction. Amazing! See the two contrasting photos below.
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Before |
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After |
This is a charity too little too cheap that he has been doing for almost two years now (that I know of) without expecting thanks and appreciations from the mortals who are the direct beneficiaries of his mannerism.
That secret act of goodness made positive influence on me and my thoughts. If he has been the only one in that act before, I have now joined.
He has invited me to goodness without preaching. Silence actions done consistently speak louder than voice. Whoever invites people to goodness has the reward of those who follow it. Same is true of evil innovations and actions.
Huh! What a reward!! Jazaaullahu khairan.
Charity is that cheap. Just do it!
Meanwhile, such charity can be interpreted differently in places where tawheed is dead or in serious crisis. In such a society of sick ideology, actions done in sound and good fate are dreaded as means of mischief or trap into bad lucks.
Rather than creating love, charity acts constitute fears in the hearts of men. This is the difference between the societies I had lived. One nursed by Qur'an; The other by kufr and witchcraft mentality. In such a society, a free meal (even iftar assembly during Ramadhaan) is meant to buy off destiny!
Phew!! What a stinking and satanic whispering and philosophy!!!
When tawheed is sound and well, faith grows, love grows, brotherhood is not brother wound and men are happier.
Loss of tawheed is the greatest ailment of our community, especially in South Western Nigeria. It has destroyed a lot of things. Religion without tawheed is a play. The Messenger of Allah started with it. He did so for the first 13 years.
Tawheed is the fundamental. It is the foundation of a home called faith (true belief, al-imaan). The Yoruba Ulamas should improve on that aspect.
Please! Grow your tawheed. A man without tawheed is in bondage. He cannot enjoy life because he is forever in fears, even of his own shadow. The only thing He does not fear is His Creator!
According to tawheed, your destiny is finalised. It cannot be tampered with. Do the charity with sincerity, and secretly is better.
There is no reward for good other than good. Give the money. Provide the food. Dash out the clothes. Offer the advice. Fear none other than Allah.
Nothing scares away both the benefactor and beneficiary from coming together for charity sake except loss of tawheed. Such scares are high where Shaitan dominates.
Charity is the only means by which the world can live in peace, love and unity. It can be as simple as straightening the shoes!! Just do it.
Abu Abdayllah (a.k.a Saailullah)
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