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Corruption, according to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (online version), is a dishonest or illegal behavior, especially of people in authority; or the act or effect of making someone change from moral to immoral standards of behaviour. It is one of the worst epidemics that have afflicted many countries of the world. Act of bribery among public servants, abuse of offices by political appointees and mismanagement of public resources by those in authority have rendered two twin havocs on nations. It has primarily hindered the growth and development.  Corruption has also latently destroyed the existing peace. Killings, kidnapping and civil unrest stem from reactionary responses of frustrated populace.

Corruption as a vanguard of Insecurity: The Cycle

When greed and selfishness define the character of the privileged few in the society, the fire of insecurity has been inevitably lit. The media, online and offline, is saturated with sad news of violence and criminal acts on daily basis, no thanks to the corruption cycle. It begins with abuse of trusts by insidious public office holders. The dishonest trustees have cornered almost the ninety-five (95) percent of the emoluments belonging to the entire populace while the rest scramble in survival-for-the-fittest for the almost-none remaining.

Despite huge hospital billings, there are no proper medical care or facilities. The citizens are frustrated with the bad state of the roads despite decades of budgeting for reconstruction; epileptic electric power supply despite huge estimated billings, and overbearing pressure of living, schooling and housing while unemployment rate is dangerously high.  Meanwhile, the corruption cycle has made requisite qualification or experience irrelevant in accessing jobs. Available jobs are reserved for referrers who have strong connection with the same corrupt trustees or those who can offer to pay the multiple of the expected salaries in advance as bribe.

In such a socio-economically skewed society, the corrupt circle where the wealth is concentrated becomes the focal point of attention and influence. Consequently, the hopeless and frustrated masses become victims of manipulations. These schemes create bad bloods among tribes. It sows apple of discord among religious groups. Neighbours who have lived together over the years are at dagger drawn against one another. Farmers and herders who have always locally settled their mutual occupational infringements for decades begin to engage in unending acrimonies. Individual’s psychology is tuned into self-interest before and above love for fellow countrymen. Alas! They all become servants and worshippers in the courtyard of the corrupt manipulators. Integrity soon become the last thing in the face of desperation to survive. Many of the youths find their honour in being hired as area boys and bodyguards of the corrupt paymasters. They are vulnerably goaded into killings and causing mayhem in the society through their illicit career.  

In such circumstances, the last hope of the abused is the judiciary. Unfortunately, with prodigious cash offers as baits, laws are turned in favours of the highest bidders and the court is no less a home of legal oppression. As it eventually becomes apparent that the legal system has equally been enmeshed within the same nexus of corruption networks, the oppressed innocent minds resolve into self-help. Then, jungle justice prevails as a dangerous response to the corruption of the civil rights and justice. Consequently, there is a cycle of reprisals and vengeance.  

Men and women are kidnapped for ransom or assassinated if their lives have been paid for! Young and old were raped or gruesomely murdered in cold blood. Human society become a biological food web where one life threats another in a long chain till none may hardly survive at the end. The military and security operatives brought to the scene to put out the fires can only put fuels. At the forefront of the command are men bearing the biggest badges of corruption. Their promotion has been done without due process in order to serve the interest of the corrupt regime. As they make fortune from the huge security budget and proceeds of wars, they compromise the sacred covenant of their profession to defend and protect the society from internal and external aggression.

From all these analogies, it is clear that corruption and the threats of insecurity it has posed are symptomatic of a damaged character and sick psychology. The solution is not in the militarization but in character and ideological reformation imbued in the ideals of Islam. This is a subject whose threats to human existence far more outweigh the global warming. It is apt if it is in contrast referred to as the global burning. It has consumed lives, valuables and turned several densely populated cities to deserts across the world, Nigeria as the closest typical case study.  

 Safety and Security: Islamic Approach


Human character defines the progress or retrogression of a society. A military without discipline cannot rescue a nation. A judiciary with no integrity cannot defend a country and leaders without rectitude would condone graft or institute stealing-is-not-corruption mentality. Islam therefore places premium in building ennoble human character. It recognises that every other sector of the society rests on the moral integrity of its human elements. Its emphasis is on the fear of God as an index of pride and honour above wealth, social class or physical outlook.

The Qur’an says: ‘indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you’ {Q49:13}. On the authority of Abu Hurairah, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Allah does not look at your appearances or your financial status, but He looks at your hearts and your actions.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

In contrast to desperation to accumulate wealth and live flamboyant lifestyles, Islam trivializes this worldly life making it appear worth less than a dead rotten skinning lamb. It makes materialism less attractive while extolling contentment. Abu Hurairah reported: The messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, Wealth is not in having many possessions. Rather, true wealth is the richness of the soul.{Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī, 6081}. It closes the door of temptation that may lead to corruption when it recognises the integrity of a poor man above the affluence and influence of the corrupt one.

Love and Mercy

Islam preaches love and mercy for neighbours and fellow humans. The messenger of Allah was reported to have said: “He does not enter Paradise whose neighbour is not secure from his evil.” (Sahih Muslim, 46}

Islam legislates compulsory and voluntary charities to enable the orphans, the needy and the less privileged share from wealth, food and other valuables of the rich class. It attaches divine rewards for humanitarian support and kindness towards the kinsmen, wayfarers and the homeless. It encourages tolerance to debtors and strangers. The Qur’an says: ‘Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do good, and to relatives, orphans, the needy, the near neighbor, the neighbor farther away, the companion at your side…} {Q4:36}

This genuine show of love in the society is a solution to most, if not all insecurity problems. Is it not natural that anyone to whom love and care is shown will not ordinarily be driven to envy let alone think of harming his benefactors?


Justice is the soul of peace. Islam enjoins fair-dealing and objectivity. The oppressed should be helped against the oppressors. The laws of the land should ensure that rights are duly returned to the owners. Cheating and habitual violations of rights of the people are recipes for anarchy.

‘Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice’ {Q4:58}

Admonitions and corrections

The upright and the corrupt in the society are like travellers in a boat in a parable given by the messenger of Allah. They either sink or survive together. Regular warning against deviations and corruption of morality is enjoined by Islam. Loss of voice of condemnation makes evil thrive in a garb of standard code of conduct over time. Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri narrated that the messenger of Allah said: ‘whichever amongst you see an evil, let him change it with his hands; and if he is not able then with his tongue; and if he is not able, then let him hate it in his heart and that is the weakest of faith’ {Sahih Muslim}


We used to be safe and secure when corruption was a deviant behaviour to both the families and religious institutions. The hell of insecurity we currently battle with is a warning that it is time to reverse. The Holy Qur’an says: ‘Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of the what they have done that perhaps they will return’ {Q30:21}


Polygamy is an advantage for Innocent Women


There was a statement that if you want to hide anything for the contemporary Muslims, put it in a book. I cannot agree less. Ours is a generation who chooses comfort and pastimes above reading. Despite the plethora of information online and offline in our time, we are in no way chips from the old blocks compared with the early Muslims. They led as models because they were readers and thinkers. They thought for others and were never thought for. They were trailblazers and not dolls. Unlike us, they were not led along the way like a dog behind its owner. They were disciplined, ascetic and principled. As for us, we are being technically enslaved because we still hold on to ignorance when it is no longer popular among the living. In a digital age, a Muslim proudly announces his birthday without ever caring to find out about its origin. He floods the social media with the pictures of his kid, wife or parent who is a year older! It never occurs to him to explore the same internet to read

PhD WITH FULL VEIL IN NIGERIA: Tribute to Prof. Odinko

Four days ago, I got an update from facebook to check a new post from Alhaji Sulaiman Oyaremi as usual. I saw a picture of a woman fully covered in hijab including hand glove and face cover being congratulated for her PhD degree. At that time it never occurred to me as something extraordinary. I never knew PhD in Niqob is  unprecedented not even in any of our Muslim established Universities. It was after many more posts started emerging from various sections of the social media that I realised the history that Dr Mrs Kafilat Motunrayo Oyaremi has made. She has done the never-heard in UI and in the entire Universities in the South West. There are yet to confirm insinuations that she is probably the first in the entire 170 Universities in Nigeria. Yes! Umu Abdullahi deserves all our praises and eulogies as a Ummah. She is our heroine and a celebrity. The mother of five has given us more ground to boast and more chances to proof that hijab does not and cannot hinder success of a Muslim la


To my humble knowledge, practitioners in every reknown profession in Nigeria, the foremost being Nigerian Sociey of Engineers (NSE), Institute of Chartered Accountant of Nigeria (ICAN), Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) and Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) have  'sacred' principles of operation or Codes of Conduct which may be termed as The Rules of Engagement but generally called PROFESSIONAL ETHICS. The components of these ethics circumference around equity and justice, people's welfare and public safety, love and care, expertise and diligence, service and selflessness etc of all positive values. Bribery and theft, dishonesty and injustice, wickedness and selfishness etc of all negative values are found no where in the script lines of the ETHICS. For example, the following are summarized Engineering Ethics: 1.Hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public 2. Perform services only in areas of their competence 3. Issue public statements only in objectiv