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Ram fighting has been with us for a while. Setting and goading animals to hit heads against each other with a great speed and force is ruthless, wicked and irresponsible. Through this evil act, many rams have been victims of hot death or brain damage. Sadly, I am not aware of any human race that celebrates this criminal, cruel and unislamic practice like the Yoruba.

Yoruba appear to be more notorious in this habit of the jungle. It has almost become a culture and an annual event during the major Islamic festival. I could vividly recall that scene since I was small, over thirty years ago.
When abnormality endures for too long, it becomes normalcy. Sadly, this barbaric tradition has survived through several stages. It initially started as a fun! Then, it came to being a game to be later accompanied with betting and gambling. Now, it is now a complete business venture, an occupation or a means of empowerment.
Ram fighting is now into full round of champion tournament in a typical manner of football match. Animals are now decorated, celebrated and qualified for trophy after killing or caused brain injuries to several others.
For this purpose, rams are now given names of human wrestlers and boxers like Tyson, warriors etc. They are trained to be dangerous and aggressive and even drugged. The stronger and dangerous ones are priced or hired exorbitantly for this contest like it happens among the skillful soccer players in football clubs.
People now pay to watch the insanity of men to the gentle creatures submitted under their care by Allah to be treated with compassion and mercy. If Allah condemned someone to hell for starving a cat to death, what is the fate of the one who willingly lures animals to the game of pains and death? What of the gullible spectators who cheer and applaud? A gathering of animals watching animals does not belong to decent human society.
Ram fighting is nothing but a fun in fire.Fighting animals, like warring men, should be separated, not to be incited. Act of terror and violence to animals is as unislamic and outlawed as terrorism to human. Why should it be Yoruba despite the exposure? Why the Muslims despite Islamic position on such terrorist acts? When every nation on earth has strict legislations that criminalize cruelty to animals, Nigerian government or constituted authorities in the South western states tolerate groups like RAMLAN. A group whose acts constitute hatred for animals is named Ram Lovers Association of Nigeria. What a curious irony!
Even in research, the scientists have strict ethics when carrying out a study involving lives. The sanctity of every live matters. If the government is indifferent, Muslims should rise up to defend the right, lives and health of these animals. Allah has made them witnesses, custodians and arbitrators of this generation. Must a Muslim be reminded of compassion and mercy toward animals despite we know. We have in our tradition:
'When you must slaughter your animals, perfect your slaughtering'; 'Allah shall give back rights to their true owners on the Day of Judgement till He would give back to the hornless animal from the horned one'
If the horned animals would face the consequences of its transgression against the hornless, how much are men would set these innocent lives into war of no cause.
I watched the videos of animals dropping dead on a spot while some others had their horns cut off immediately. The force that could take off lives or the horn from a ram in one hit is not inconsequential. It is rather quite strange that men in those scenes lament when such relunctant voiceless species become casualties of their thoughtless and dark minds. What do they expect to have happened? Do they expect those animals to become healthier and stronger?
They should themselves collide head to head among themselves as those animals are made to do and let us see what follows. I expect they become healthier and more active to go to the gim thereafter. Phew! The common sense is not common.
The head or part of it is a danger zone. Impact on it may dislodge senses and dislocate blood circulation. The messenger prohibits hitting or beating someone in the face. In a clime of sanity and policy, this act of turning rams to combatants against their nature is an aberration. It should stop. Nigerians should be civil. We are far back in the dark ages while the rest of the world have almost left the twentieth century and far heading into the next.
Obviously, We are sick beyond the rising threats of covid 19. The cure we need is not only in politics and economy, we also need spiritual and psychological therapy, perhaps more urgently.



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